High Protein Recipe Pack

High Protein Recipe Pack

Healthy Eating Guide

Healthy Eating Guide

3 Week Meal Plan Pack

3 Week Meal Plan Pack

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Calling all personal trainers/health coaches who are looking to add value to their programs!

Adding nutrition packages to your health coaching programs can make or break your clients results! Using a done-for-you program can help you to deliver your nutrition coaching in a clear & actionable way, so that you keep clients on track and motivated! These are meal plans and nutrition guides made by a Registered Nutritonist that are customizable and can be completely rebranded! I work with health coaches and trainers to design programs perfect for their specific clients.

Meal Plans Include:

Monday-Friday Plans

Macronutrient and Calorie legend


Nutrition Guide includes:

Your personal story

The basics of healthy eating

Macronutrients 101 Micronutrients 101

Stress, Sugar & their effects on weight

Recipe Guides Include:

Tailored to your specific target (high protein, low carb, gluten free etc.)

Lets work together to create something you love!